About Us

Bringing love and vitality to families worldwide through nutrition, exercise and sleep

 Organic garlic farms

We passionately grow garlic without relying on pesticides on our own vast, JAS-certified organic* garlic farms. *JAS (Japanese Agricultural Standards are established by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in the fields of food, agriculture, forestry, and fisheries.)

 A dedication to healthy families

From organic cultivation of ingredients to manufacturing, order processing, shipping, and research, we handle everything in-house with love.

 Efforts to address the SDGs

We are more committed than ever to realizing a sustainable society to ensure a secure future for all families. 


For the vitality and health of families worldwide

Tomoko Tou, Representative Director

"We contribute to society by helping our customers improve their health." This is the first line of our company motto, which we read at our daily morning meeting. There is no shortcut to good health; rather, the daily accumulation of efforts nurtures our health. We believe that supporting people on their health journey and increasing the number of healthy families is how we can contribute to society.

Our management philosophy is "Customers first.” We value a trust-based relationship with our customers where the joys of making, selling, and buying are shared.

We now live in an era where people live to be 100 years old. The number one wish of people all over the world is to extend their healthy life expectancy. Nutrition, exercise, and sleep are essential to achieving this goal. If any one of them is lacking, we cannot achieve good health. We are committed to offering a variety of advice and products based on the concept of "For the vitality and health of families worldwide."

Tomoko Tou, Representative Director
Kenkou Kazoku Co., Ltd.


Jan. 1976Founded as a health food sales company
Nov. 1993Traditional Garlic & Egg Yolk launched
Apr. 1998Joint academia-industry research initiated
Aug. 2000PrivacyMark acquired (first in the mail order sales industry)
Dec. 2003Kenkou Kazoku Agricultural Corporation established


10-2 Hiranocho, Kagoshima City, Kagoshima Prefecture

Distribution Department
2-2-1 Suizenji, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Prefecture